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The Inspired Collective Motto:
Our mission is to inspire and cultivate relevant art within the wedding community while directing you to elevate your brand.
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About us
“Aspiring elevation for all in the wedding community”
The Inspired Collective editorial at Glass Chapel revolutionized our expectations of what an editorial can look like and the way that it can be experienced. We were blessed to have the opportunity to work with new vendors we had never worked with before and witness the possibilities of what could manifest in our space. That allowed us to possess content that we could dream and grow into as a brand and share the talents of so many phenomenal vendors in the wedding community.
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Inspire Collective is a unique and a “step above” platform that was created by our founder, Andi Bravo. Andi’s desire is to unite creatives in the wedding industry together. Her passion is to witness those around her elevate themselves and their businesses to their best selves. That is the heart behind Inspire Collective.
We have evolved into an intimate and dedicated team that holds the same passion of watching those around us in the wedding industry succeed, grow, and collaborate. We have joined forces to bring you
the most elegant and sophisticated editorials with educational content. We aim to promote growth and camaraderie within our community.
We hope to serve you to growth, connect and dream BIG!
The team,
Victoria, Andi, Julie and Cass.
Inspire Collective is a unique and a “step above” platform that was created by our founder, Andi Bravo. Andi’s desire is to unite creatives in the wedding industry together. Her passion is to witness those around her elevate themselves and their businesses to their best selves. That is the heart behind Inspire Collective.
We have evolved into an intimate and dedicated team that holds the same passion of watching those around us in the wedding industry succeed, grow, and collaborate. We have joined forces to bring you
the most elegant and sophisticated editorials with educational content. We aim to promote growth and camaraderie within our community.
We hope to serve you to growth, connect and dream BIG!
The team,
Victoria, Andi, Julie and Cass.
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